I am soooo very proud of my 16 year old daughter, Sigourney. On Sunday she is flying off to the UK for a week to attend a Summer School in Cambridge University!! She was invited by the Uni and she will be the very first child to attend from a Services School. She has worked so hard this year for her exams and is expected to get A's and B's. No one from either of our families has ever attended Uni before so she will be the first one. Sigourney is hoping to go to Uni in two years time when she has left the Sixth Form. Lol god knows where she gets her intelligence from! It will be an emotional time for me as I will miss her so much and like a mum I will be worrying about her as it will be the first time she has flown and also on her own!! They sent her a timetable and blimey she will be having lessons on astro physics and linguistics among others. There will also be some downtime for her too in the evenings. They have arranged for her to go to an outdoor play at Trinity College , a ghost tour and punting. What an experience for her.
Unfortunately we will be on holiday when her exam results come through so she will have to wait a couple of days to get them , but I know she will have done well.
I am sooo proud of you Sigourneyxx.
well done sigourney!
Congratulations, Sigourney ... what an achievement for you! Best of luck for your future endeavours. :D
Well done sigourney. And don't worry too much Shary(easier said than done i know) she will have the time of her life I bet
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